Special Projects...

Historic People & Places

Pioneer Physician - Dr. J.H. Baker
Helium in Wartime - Otis Helium Plant
The Lost Village of Cordia, Kansas
A North-South Railroad in Rush County, Kansas
The Forgotten Church of Walnut City, Kansas


Local Research Projects

Fraternal Organizations in Rush County

The Theatres of Rush County, Kansas


Something for Everyone...

Christmas_2013 Looking for something to do with the family? We offer a variety of family-oriented events throughout the year. Or, we also offer opportunities to spend quality time with that special someone. Check out our Upcoming Events page for details and schedules.


School_Group Educators, we offer a variety of exciting Educational Programs that support Kansas State Department of Education Standards and can help you and your students make education more enjoyable. We offer a variety of on-site options or we can come to your classroom. Coming soon: experience education in our historical one-room school environment. Watch for details.


Other Links...

Kansas Barbed Wire Museum

Kansas State Historical Society